"Time it was, and what a time it was, it was a time of innocence..."
Things started out innocently enough when we showed up to play at The Corner Pub on Saturday the 8th. With our cover being upped to $10 (a standard for this venue), we prepared for the onslaught of jeers and flying fruit that was expected to come. Boasting a comp list of 70+, we hoped to build a small army with which to hold our hill.
Setup went smoothly. I actually sat and played Kirby on my DS while Missy (Brad's "better-half") did all the work. We all appreciate her coming out and running sound for a first time. With our six-piece rotating lineup, soundtech for the Natives can be quite the task. Did I mention herding rabid turtles?!?! Regardless, everything was up and running by the time it mattered.
We hit the stage with a more confident lineup than previous shows. Not only has time allowed us to gel a bit more with Booch (our "new" drumbadier), we've also been writing some fresh material. We boasted four new originals this show, and three of them weren't even disasters! Ok..."Maybe" wasn't totally new, but we've only played it once for a limited audience of our 100 closest friends. Oh...and I played it acoustically for a horrified crowd at the Woodlands Art Festival last year (Mary witnessed). We only prepared five cover tunes... a nice change from the fifteen or so we've been relying on. We've gotten some great feedback on "Devil's in the Details" and "Pass the Time", which we're really still exploring. "Titties go Down", an inspiring tale of hope and triumph in a world-gone-wrong, crumbled to noisy rubble before our very eyes. Thanks to all of you that didn't hurl chairs. We promise to polish this terd and have it smellin like spearmint in the upcoming months.
Among our many friends that showed up was J-Ross. This fine fellow wrote a nice review for us in the Conroe Courier. Here is an excerpt that discussed our show:
"Well the next night, Aug. 9, the Corner Pub celebrated its third anniversary with my favorite rocking funksters, the Natives Are Restless. Well they broke the attendance record for the club. At a $10 cover charge, the Pub took in $1,600 for the band at the door. Man, I’ll tell you these multi-talented musicians had the whole house a rockin’. What are the Natives like? Well think the Grateful Dead meets Janis Joplin and Big Brother and the Holding Company meets the Funkadelics meets the Neville Brothers. Heavy percussion, rhythmic beats, varied vocals and multi-instrumentation are all trademarks of the band. Hopefully the Natives Are Restless will be at the Conroe Cajun Catfish Festival in October."
Well, we're not sure if J-Ross was seeing double or just being his usual-friendly-self, but the numbers in this article are a bit stacked in our favor. While we can assure you that we didn't break 1k, we appreciate the enthusiasm and support of this fine Friend of Conroe. To read his full article, look here.
The after party was awesome. Being a gentleman, I won't discuss the particulars in this forum. Rest assured, it was excellent and 4am came all too quickly. Gary took some great shots of the show, but was sure to drop the camera afterwards so no incriminating pics were snapped.
We will keep you posted as to our next date. Besides fishing for a slot at Catfish Festival, we don't have many dates on the near horizon. Please feel free to inform us of any venues that you would like to see us play. We also welcome any comments / criticisms of the show. If you have any good pictures from the show (or of the Natives), please send em in! Again, thank you all for being such supportive friends.
"Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph. Preserve your memories, they're all that's left of you." -S&G
-Dan, Native
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